Contact Me

I personally would like to thank you for your comments and ideas before you leave one; it is always nice to know there is another face behind the screen that understands and cares about the same subject, which in this case is weight training.

If you wish to leave a comment or  question, I’ll do my best to answer it. As far as questions go if you could keep them specific to weight training/lifting, short and to the point, so to speak; this would help me sort through them much quicker.

Your Contact Form Is at the bottom of the Page

Learning From Feedback  

I would like you to understand up-front that I do not profess to know everything or will ever know everything about weight training; my opinions expressed here come mostly from doing and experimenting. See ( About Me).

Training with other experienced weight lifters, bodybuilders and personal trainers over the years, has of course added to my understanding of weight training: but I do not wish to come off as a know it all, as I am not.

As each day ends, we're for the most part: the sum of our experiences.

Generalized questions on professional power lifting/Olympic lifting and sports medicine, will be beyond the scope of this website,

Comments and questions?

Dynamic weight training .com would love to here your comments or questions and always appreciate feedback .

As with all things, nothing is ever perfect, so if there are some spelling mistakes or weak phrases, feel free to let me know.

You as the viewers are very important to me and obviously so are your opinions.

As mentioned in the contact form itself. I will try to get to everybody within 24 hours, if it does take a while for you to get your response I do apologize. Don’t take it personally as it is not, I work a full-time job therefore its mornings evenings and weekends that I can get to you.

Also make sure that the information that you’ve given me is correct in your emails, and have filled your email address in properly. Again, I encourage your comments and your patience.

   Thanks You 

As the owner and writer for Dynamic weight training I would like to thank you For stopping by and visiting.

After all this site is here for you, to learn and help motivate towards what you desire the most... to enhance the strength and physic of your dreams.

And of course wish you the best of success in your weight training.

Steve Barnes.

Contact Me

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